Welcome to my page. I'm Joe, W4GGJ, a.k.a. GrumpaGrinch. I built this page for fun and to give a little insight to who I am. This will be more of a personal website.
I started out with my GMRS license which I obtained on November 8, 2024 and quickly started studying for my amateur radio technician license. As of December 28, 2024, I am a new technician class amateur radio operator. My first amateur transmission was logged on December 31, 2024 with the Eagle NTS Net through the NI4CE central Florida repeater network. Next up is my general class license.
I obtained my technician license through WM7X Amateur Radio Examinations. I will obtain my general through them also. They are a great group and make testing very comfortable and easy.
This page best viewed on a tablet or computer. Some of the interactive graphics are designed to display on a PC, but a mobile device will work.
More About My Callsign (W4GGJ)
My callsign is a vanity callsign. I really didn't care much for the callsign assigned to me by the FCC, plus I had more of a personal idea in mind.
I am known as Grumpa Grinch. For Christmas every year, my entire house is decorated in a Grinch theme, and I dress up as the Grinch at various times. I also love the movie, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. For the Grumpa part, my granddaughter calls me Grumpa. It's like Grampa, but only Grumpier. I am also a Disney fan and my favorite character is Grumpy from Snow White.
So with the combination of the 2, I came up with GrumpaGrinch which is now my gaming, streaming and every other name I use online.
Whoville 4 Grumpa Grinch Joe
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International Space Station Fly Over
You can monitor voice transmissions from the ISS via Amateur Radio frequencies, but unless licensed, you cannot transmit. For more information on the ISS, please visit ARISS.